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We are a young business bank, focused on the business divisions of Wealth and Asset Management, Investment Banking and Corporate Banking. We combine the best of wealth and asset management expertise to offer you a high-quality investment portfolio tailored to your needs. We deploy specialists in each area of advice, management and portfolio construction, to offer you the best possible service.

Vision of Economy, Multi-asset and Variable Income


turbulence in the economy

The US economy has been surprising on the upside for a long time, but now signs of a slowdown are accumulating. The question of whether the landing will be soft or hard will likely be on investors' minds in the fourth quarter. By focusing more on growth than inflation, equities and government bonds are likely to be less synchronized, with quality and growth stocks benefiting.


A golden age for the multi-asset

Since the outbreak of the pandemic in early 2020, equity valuation levels in Europe and the US have seen large fluctuations. In this edition of our Insights series, we address the questions of what we look for when valuing companies, how the valuation levels of our funds and individual securities have evolved compared to history, and why we believe they are not It is not the low PER ratios, but the good quality and growth ratios that make the difference in the long term.

diamond in the rough

Valuation of our variable income funds

Over the last decade, investors have increasingly shifted towards equities, as falling interest rates have made fixed income less attractive. Meanwhile, commodity prices have also seen a steady decline following the commodities supercycle that occurred in the wake of the opening up of the Chinese economy and increasing globalization at the beginning of this century. Consequently, many successful multi-asset funds have increased their allocation to equities in recent years and have often focused on managing this part of the portfolio relative to the cash ratio.



Project financing

Get your project started

Drawing on its experience in structured finance, The First National Bank Group views each client relationship as a long-term investment. Our Bank is very active in the creation, structuring, financing and execution of complementary acquisitions and consolidation strategies, incorporating partners and capitalizing on the talent of promoters to add value to each individual project.



Work with financial experts

Do you want to develop your business but don't know who to turn to? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let yourself be guided by our consulting services.
We know that it is necessary to immediately organize, leverage and manage all available and relevant information to move a promising transaction toward closure. For the serious participant, an expert hand is a valuable and limited commodity - and for a plausible deal to become a completed transaction, time is of the essence.


Debt refinancing

Reach your goals

In recent years, banks have become scared and are asking their clients to reduce the debts they owe to them.  What does this mean? It means that companies like our clients have had to spend more money paying off their debts, which not only reduces working capital, but also prevents them from expanding, starting new businesses, hiring new employees or investing in research and development (R&D). D). We understand this and can offer financial relief by helping our clients refinance their existing business debts (whether commercial or industrial).



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The First National Bank Group

A light on your finances

Financial services

Luis A. de Herrera 1248, Tower I, Floor 10,

(World Trade Center Building),

Cep (Zip Code 11600) - Montevideo, Eastern Republic of Uruguay

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